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Dec. 25 Someday at Christmas

I woke up this morning and looked out the window. The snow was falling, and it wasn't that wet, clumpy snow we've been having. This was the light, powdery stuff like you only see in movies. I felt like I was inside a snow globe, and a lot of the worries I've had over the holidays melted away. For some reason, I knew everything would be fine, no matter what comes next.

Merry Christmas, my thirsty readers! We made it all the way here to the final day. Thank you for sticking with me through this winter wonderland of rum. A lot of emotions are flooding me today, as this is obviously a very different Christmas than any of us have experienced before. I'll probably need a little break after this. After all, I can't do this everyday forever. We'd lose some of the magic that way. Speaking of magic, we've discussed quite a few Christmas songs this year, with their accompanying libations, but I've been saving the most meaningful one for last.


It's sometimes hard to put into words what I truly wish, when this day comes. I don't want gifts, and I don't really care for parties or games. I'd rather see everyone in the world free to live as they are, unafraid to be themselves. The right words just never seem to come. How can we convey so many feelings, and how do we know what to say? Luckily, the great Stevie Wonder wrote a song that sums it up quite nicely.

"Someday at Christmas men won't be boys Playing with bombs like kids play with toys One warm December our hearts will see A world where men are free

Someday at Christmas there'll be no wars When we have learned what Christmas is for When we have found what life's really worth There'll be peace on earth

Someday all our dreams will come to be Someday in a world where men are free Maybe not in time for you and me But someday at Christmastime

Someday at Christmas we'll see a land With no hungry children, no empty hand One happy morning people will share Our world where people care

Whoa, someday at Christmas there'll be no tears When all men are equal and no man has fears One shinning moment one prayer away From our world today

Someday all our dreams will come to be Someday in a world where men are free Maybe not in time for you and me But someday at Christmastime

Someday at Christmas man will not fail Hate will be gone and love will prevail Someday a new world that we can start With hope in every heart, yeah

whoa, yeah (Someday in a world where men are free) Maybe not in time for you and me But someday at Christmastime Someday at Christmastime"

It's difficult to imagine a world where we can all love each other, no matter what our differences may be. We have the ability to do it though. We certainly have the resources. While you have a sip on this one, do me a favor, and think about how lucky we are to have made it this far. It certainly wasn't easy.


Someday at Christmas

.75oz Aged Jamaican Rum

.75oz Overproof Jamaican Rum

.5oz Aged Agricole Rhum

.5oz Aged Guyanese Rum

.5oz Banana Liqueur

.5oz Humbug Spices

.5oz Orgeat

1oz Lime Juice

2 dashes Angostura Bitters

1 dash Absinthe

Double Old Fashioned or Mai Tai Glass

Whip shake and pour unstrained.

Top with crushed ice.

Garnish with mint sprigs, orchid, powdered sugar, and torched cinnamon stick.

*To me, this is like drinking a mai tai while eating bread pudding.*


If this year has taught me anything, it's the fact that we have a very limited set of moments on this planet. The last thing you probably want to spend your moments on Christmas day doing is reading what I have to say. I'm just a guy who makes drinks and takes photos, but I really hope the past few weeks into my world have brought you a bit of joy as well. This year, we've learned that you never know what life might throw at your, so you'd better make the best of what you have.

You know that feeling, when you're on a trip, and it's the last day? You want to squeeze in as much fun as possible. From here on out, that's my advice to all of you. Live your life, like it's the last day of vacation. That's what I'v been trying to do for a long time now, and it's brought me more joy that I could have imagined. No matter what life hands us in the future, we know that we're able to overcome anything. We can leap over the greatest hurdles life has in store. This year, we've pushed on, and we've shown how strong our wills can be, even in the faces of those who don't believe. There sure have been a lot of those too. We know we will carry on. We know we must continue. From this day forth, my thirsty readers, we will keep shaking.


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